Sales doesn’t come naturally to MSP Owners

You started your MSP to help people with technology

Maybe you lost that "Whale" client

Maybe your clients are mad at you

Whatever the cause, you're on the Sales Struggle Bus...

and you want to get off

Fox & Crow has your back

Use our sales process to get out of the woods

For a limited time: 100% free

What’s the Process?

The Fox & Crow Sales Process Methodology has been built based on 16 years of MSP sales experience, expanded with lessons learned from MSPs and Sales Leaders across the country.

Illustration of a Crow

The Process is:

  • Simple by design
  • Easy to execute
  • Built around accountability

What’s Included?

Flow Charts

& Visualizations

Silhouette of a Flying Crow Bird

Sales Enablement

& Training

Step by Step Guidance

& Accountability

  • Sales Conversations
  • Sales Proposals
  • Cold Outreach
  • Event Follow up
  • Social Media Selling
  • Account Retention
  • Referral Generation

Fox Silhouette
  • Asking Good questions
  • Buying Process Discovery
  • Setting a Discovery Agenda
  • Discovery Best Practices
  • Creating your Findings Document
  • Follow up & Follow through
  • Introduction Call Scheduling
  • What to do when prospects won't decide
  • Pain & Gain - Monetizing problems
  • Proposal Meetings
  • Lead Qualification
  • Lead Research
  • Gatekeeper & Decision Maker Guidance
  • Social Media Selling
  • Social Selling Comment & DM Guidance
  • Asking for referrals
  • Assessing Client Health
  • Retaining Unhappy Accounts
  • Building a case study repository
  • How to build & use battle cards

Every process has a step by step cadence built into it.

As you work the process, there are built in checks to ensure you don’t miss critical steps.

All relevent data needed to create a proposal is collected while you work the process.

Each step creates the ability to double-check your work.

How do I get it?

You can sign up for a version of - our CRM partner.

Use this link.

You'll get a 30 day free trial of the software, and 100% of the process content preloaded at the start of your trial.

Pay for your licenses moving forward

We'll also do a complimentary 30 minute problem solving session with you once you get started.